

Decentralization is the process of distributing power,control, and decision-making across a network rather than concentrating it in acentral authority. In the context of blockchain, decentralization enhancessecurity by removing single points of failure, ensuring that no single entitycan control the network or manipulate data. This approach leads to increasedtransparency, reduced censorship, and greater trust in the system.

Blockchain networks like Bitcoin and Ethereum are built ondecentralization, with transactions validated by a global network of nodesrather than a central organization. This structure makes these networksresilient against attacks, fraud, and shutdowns. Decentralization has alsopaved the way for the development of decentralized finance (DeFi) and otherapplications that empower users to interact directly, without intermediaries.

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Plena Finance fully embraces the principles of decentralization by providing a non-custodial wallet that gives users complete control over their funds. By eliminating reliance on centralized entities, Plena ensures that users can securely access DeFi services and maintain ownership of their digital assets. The platform's decentralized nature aligns with the broader goal of empowering individuals in the crypto space.