Simple Payment Verfication (SPV)

Simple Payment Verfication (SPV)

Simple Payment Verification (SPV) is a technique used by lightweight clients in blockchain networks to verify transactions without downloading the entire blockchain. SPV allows users to confirm that their transactions have been included in a block by relying on full nodes to provide proof. This proof involves verifying the transaction’s hash in the Merkle tree, a data structure that efficiently summarizes all transactions in a block. SPV clients require only a small amount of data, making them ideal for mobile and resource-constrained devices.

SPV enhances the accessibility of blockchain networks by reducing the computational and storage requirements needed to participate. Full nodes, which store the entire blockchain, can be resource-intensive and require significant hardware capabilities. In contrast, SPV clients only need to download block headers, significantly reducing the data load. This makes it possible for a wider range of devices, including smartphones, to interact with the blockchain securely and efficiently.

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